Updating AMI for EKS Managed Node Group Without Recreating


I have an existing EKS cluster that has already been deployed. Within this cluster, we are utilizing a managed node group. I'm using Terraform to manage our system and using "EKS optimized Amazon Linux AMI" I'm now exploring options to update the AMI associated with the node group without requiring its recreation. I expect to update the AMI, and every scaling will be up with the new AMI. Is it feasible to achieve this, and if so, what steps should I follow?

  • What I'm trying to avoid is the auto-delete of the nodes with the old AMI all at once. Once updating the AWS managed node group, I would like nothing to take place until the cluster AutoScaler will create a new node and only here use the new AMI.

1 Answer

Hi, it works this way now. Once you update AWS managed node group, AWS will deploy the EC2 with new AMI and delete the EC2 with the old AMI. How it should work without requiring its recreation? Maybe I misunderstood the question and need more details.

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answered a year ago
  • What I'm trying to avoid is the auto delete of the nodes with the old AMI all at once. Once updating the AWS managed node group I would like nothing to take place until the cluster AutoScaler will create a new node and only here use the new AMI.

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