EMR step failure Alerts Issue


Hi Team,

I am facing issues while creating alerts of every EMR step failure.

I am able to create the alerts for EMR Step Failure but, want to modify like :

the alert message should content below things.

  • json formatting.
  • link to the step that failed

**Main Issue : ** Whenever there is EMR step fails i am getting the alerts through SNS topic but, when i am adding my other team mates to the sns topic subscription they are not getting alerts even after the subscription is confirmed from there side.

Service : EMR Region : us-east-1(N. Virginia).

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks & Regards, Abhi sabhi8226@gmail.com

asked 2 years ago153 views
1 Answer

To address your main issue of other team members not receiving alerts even after confirming the subscription to the SNS topic, here are a few troubleshooting steps you can take:

  1. Confirm Subscription Status:

    • Ensure that your team members have confirmed their subscription to the SNS topic. They should receive a confirmation email from AWS SNS upon subscribing, and they need to click the confirmation link in the email to activate their subscription.
  2. Check SNS Topic Policies:

    • Verify the policies attached to the SNS topic to ensure that they allow subscriptions from external accounts or email addresses. Sometimes, restrictive policies can prevent subscriptions from being confirmed or delivered.
  3. Check Email Filters:

    • Ask your team members to check their email spam or junk folders. Sometimes, alerts from AWS SNS may be filtered as spam by email providers.
  4. Verify Email Addresses:

    • Ensure that the email addresses your team members used for subscription are correct and active. Typos or inactive email addresses can prevent delivery of alerts.
  5. Resend Confirmation Emails:

    • You can manually resend the confirmation email from the AWS SNS console. Go to the Subscriptions section of your SNS topic, select the subscription, and choose "Resend confirmation" from the actions menu.
  6. Check IAM Policies:

    • If your AWS account uses IAM policies to control access to SNS topics, ensure that your team members have the necessary permissions to receive notifications from the SNS topic. .
answered 4 months ago

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