Skillbuilder subscription does not show in AWS Console Billing


I subscribed to the Skillbuilder subscription ($29/month). Skillbuilder kept sending me emails that my subscription will invoiced, and I have an ability to view my invoice in the AWS account billing. But when I log into my AWS personal account (billing section) - I see no invoices for Skillbuilder subscription. Eventually my personal subscription ran out, and the bill left unpaid, and I have no access to the modules I was completing on paid plan.** It is possible to see what AWS account is linked to my Skillbuilder account and where the invoices are sent?** I am just a few steps away from finishing one of trainings and gaining certificate; I would like to cover the unpaid bill and keep my personal account functioning.

2 Answers

You are not able to see the AWS account linked to your AWS Skill Builder account from the AWS Skill Builder portal. Please contact AWS Training and Certification customer service: for further assistance.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

I am sorry you are having issues logging into Skill Builder! Please use to reach the team that can help with your account issues. For phone support in U.S. and Canada: 1-800-388-5512 and 1-800-383-9484 For International phone support: (charges may apply) 1-206-577-1364.

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answered a year ago

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