Why do I get errors when MediaLive tries to write data to MediaStore ?


I'm getting some errors when I try to do a live stream using MediaLive. In MediaLive, I have a RTMP(push) input and MediaStore configured as destination.

For MediaStore I have configured container policy like here:
I enabled Cloudwatch logs for the MediaLive channel and these kind of PUT failed errors show whenever I start streaming.

Setting alert [6006] [1-2] [6006-1-2] [OutputDataS3: PUT failed [mediastore://xyz.data.mediastore.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/mystreams/stream_720p30_00005.ts] size [549148]. Response=[403] Message[] Headers[x-amzn-RequestId: EHYZJ3SDA4KJBHRSPELTDV2KW5FUAWVDJYWBC2VPYR7WHWOBDNFGIH3HEAJUJ]

Also in the channel's alert section, I see erros like this:

Failed to Create Output File or Socket
MPEGTS muxer for mediaID [1] unable to open output or stream [mediastore://xyz.data.mediastore.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/mystreams/stream_720p30.000007.m3u8].

For debugging purposes I've gave full access to the IAM role that is associated with the channel.

Any idea on what I'm missing ?

Edited by: adrianmg on Jun 22, 2020 10:39 PM

Edited by: adrianmg on Jun 22, 2020 10:42 PM

asked 4 years ago896 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


When writing to AWS Elemental MediaStore you should use "mediastoressl://" instead of "mediastore://".

See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/medialive/latest/ug/hls-protocol-fields.html & https://docs.aws.amazon.com/medialive/latest/ug/hls-destination-complete-fields-step.html as reference.

Additionally in the HLS Output Group settings - HLS Settings - CDN Settings should be set to HLS MediaStore.

answered 4 years ago

mediastoressl did the trick. I'll also change the hls webdav to hls media store. Live stream also works with webdav, but I need to read more about the difference between them.

Thanks @fxeataws !

answered 4 years ago

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