Ec2 does not initialize, it is stuck in a script that I cannot interrupt.


Ec2 does not initialize, it is stuck in a script that I cannot interrupt.

I don't have ssh access and I connected via the console.

How to stop a machine at startup at boot time via the console?

EC2 is not accessible, there is a script preventing it from continuing the initialization, see the screenshot below. I am accessing startup information via the console. initialization is interrupted in this script and does not finish. There is no way to interrupt this script in any way.Enter image description here

asked 25 days ago127 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

when the problem occurs, it can only be recovered by a reboot, then it makes it hard to debug because you cannot login while the problem is occurring. This type of problem is normally caused by software running on the instance, rather than anything to do with Amazon EC2 itself.

First thing to check would be Amazon CloudWatch Logs to see whether the CPU is 100% when the problem happens.

Next thing to check is the log files on the computer, which you can examine after the restart. You could configure a script to continually log the CPU and processes in use to a log file, so that you can examine them later to determine the underlying cause.

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answered 25 days ago
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reviewed 24 days ago
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reviewed 25 days ago

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