Is it possible to create or clone an existing ES 5 / ES 6 cluster?


We have 2 clusters on production, one is ES 5 and one is ES 6. (we know that they are legacy but well upgrade is hard...) Both are AWS ES managed and are still running. Now we can't create new AWS ES cluster with these old versions from the console (the minimum version available is OpenSearch 1.3), but we need to make a testing environment to test some setup, so is it possible to somehow create a new AWS ES cluster with ES 5 / ES 6, or clone one?

asked 7 months ago273 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Please follow the steps as below to create a new ElasticSearch domain running on ES vX.X:

Click the "Create domain"

  1. In "Domain creation method" select "Standard create" radio button
  2. In "Deployment Option(s)" select the radio button "Domain without standby"
  3. In "Engine options" header, flip the button "Include older versions" option
  4. Then, finally from "Version" drop-down menu you should see option to select ES vx.x

Additionally, to clone a cluster, you must take a manual snapshot, create a new cluster with the same configuration, and then restore the snapshot on the new cluster. [+]

profile pictureAWS
answered 6 months ago

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