Does Simple Mail Service receiving need a mail server to work?



I want to use the AWS SMS to monitor and process the inbound emails to an address like inbound@<mydomain>.com. I don't have any email server for this domain except for AWS SMS.

I have done the below

  • Verified domain name.
  • Created the MX record. I'm in Sydney, the MX record value is "10"
  • Create a general rule to save all the incoming email to S3.

However, the test email goes nowhere. When I tried to send an email from my gmail to this address, it bounced back with error "DNS type 'mx' lookup of <mydomain>.com responded with code NXDOMAIN Domain name not found:"

Is there anything missing? or I should also setup a real email server like AWS workmail?


asked 20 days ago61 views
1 Answer

To receive email you will need to setup an MX record in your DNS records. The following link walks through the process.

Hope this helps!

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answered 19 days ago
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reviewed 18 days ago

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