How do I configure VPC route tables for Traffic Mirroring?


I'm trying to set up Amazon VPC Traffic Mirroring so that traffic to my elastic network interface in one AWS account (account A) and Amazon VPC (VPC A) also shows up on another network interface in a second account (account B) and VPC (VPC B). How do I configure the VPC route tables to make that setup work?

asked 4 years ago461 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

The mirrored traffic is sent to the traffic mirror target using the source VPC route table. Before you configure Traffic Mirroring, make sure that the traffic mirror source can route to the traffic mirror target.

For more information and example resource configurations, see Traffic mirror source and target connectivity options in the Amazon VPC traffic mirroring documentation.

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answered 4 years ago
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reviewed a year ago

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