Security Score Missing in AWS Security Hub: Investigating Possible Causes


Yesterday, while conducting a routine check of my Security Hub, I encountered an issue where the security score was inexplicably absent from the hub. Delving deeper into the matter, I discovered that all the security standards had been deactivated for unknown reasons. Interestingly, a review of the CloudTrail logs revealed no traces of any changes made to the security settings.

To troubleshoot, I manually toggled the standards on and off to observe if these actions were being logged. The logs were generated when I performed these manual adjustments. It's important to note that our team diligently monitors the security score on a weekly basis, affirming that the standards were indeed enabled prior to this incident.

Has anyone else encountered a similar anomaly or can provide insights into why this might have occurred? Additionally, during this investigation, I noticed the appearance of two new standards. Could it be plausible that a recent update inadvertently caused the disabling of my security standards?

1 Answer


I highly recommend that you open a support case with AWS support on this one in order to dive deep and see what happened. With their help you will be able to get more insight into what could have caused your issue through a thorough investigation.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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