In-use public IPv4 address per hour billing in my Free Tier


I have an AWS Free tier account and I see that I have been billed for In-use public IPv4 address per hour for 54.814 Hrs.

I do not have any EC2 instances, ALB, Elastic IPs in my account. (An ALB was active which I stopped 12hours ago) The only thing that I have is default VPC and the subnets. I also checked in IPAM Public IP insights, it shows "No Public IPs found" I am not sure how to stop this being billed further. Please guide.

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asked a month ago197 views
3 Answers


Sorry to hear the confusion you're currently experiencing! I'd suggest opening a case with our Support team.

They are more than willing to help in situations like these, and have all the tools necessary to assist in resolving your issue.

You can create a case here:

-Dino C.

answered a month ago
profile picture
reviewed a month ago

If you go to Cost Explorer, filter "PublicIPv4" under UsageType, do you see anything related to PublicIPv4:InUseAddress or PublicIPv4:IdleAddress?

profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago

Yes. I see PublicIPv4:InUseAddress in cost explorer. I stopped all my EC2 instances and it is well within the 750hours range. I am not sure where this public IP is.

Also please clarify below

  1. Do I incur charges for public IPv4 if an EC2 instance is running (below the 750 hours ) in free tier
  2. Do I incur the public IPV4 charges for creating a Load balancer (just creating and keeping it active with no underlying EC2)
  3. Do I incur the public IPV4 charges for default VPC and subnet? Enter image description here
answered a month ago

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