Cross account streaming from IoT core.


How can I enable data streaming across AWS IoT Core and services that don't inherently support cross-account access, without resorting to Lambda functions? (Could I Amazon managed kafka to stream data from IoT core so that the other accounts can listen or get data from that kafka?)

asked a month ago125 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer
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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
  • Could I stream data from IoT core into Amazon managed Kafka?

  • AWS IoT Core has a rule action for routing incoming MQTT messages into Kafka, and this rule action can be used with Amazon MSK: That's to Kafka in the same account as AWS IoT Core.

  • @Greg_B Thanks for the reply. Can other account services access Amazon MSK?

  • I was hoping you would know. :-) I am definitely not the best person to answer that one.

  • Ok Thank you.

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