Can't use mysqlimport since MySQL 8 upgrade due to insufficient privileges


Since upgrading my RDS instance to MySQL 8 I am no longer able to use mysqlimport to import external data from .csv files. When running mysqlimport it returns the following error:

mysqlimport: Error: 1227 Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER, SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN or SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege(s) for this operation

It is, however, impossible to assign any of these privileges. The RDS User Guide instructions for mysqlimport provide instructions for setting the SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege for MySQL version 8.0.15 and higher by running the


command, but this results in the following error:

ERROR 1227 (42000): Access denied; you need (at least one of) the GRANT OPTION privilege(s) for this operation ... and RDS does not support the GRANT OPTION privilege.

  • Hi Jared, did you find a solution to this problem?

  • I did not find a solution to this, but was able to reformat the .csv files into .sql format and import them using the mysql command line. This was not at all optimal, but the only way I could figure out how to import flat data.

asked 4 months ago343 views
1 Answer


Please use the following command to set the privilege "ROLE_ADMIN" to the database administrative user (such as the root user), and then try setting "SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN".

GRANT ROLE_ADMIN on *.* to root
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answered 4 months ago
  • While this ROLE_ADMIN command succeeds when running it under the admin user, subsequently trying to set the SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege results in the same error as above: "ERROR 1227 (42000): Access denied; you need (at least one of) the GRANT OPTION privilege(s) for this operation".

  • By the way, is the database user used by "mysqlimport" the correct database administrator user (root user, etc.)?

  • Yes, I've tried running these commands with both the admin user and a separate user both of which I've tried assigning the appropriate privileges without success. I even reset the admin user password in the RDS console - which resets its privileges to the default.

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