Non payment of AWS bill


I have received an email re non payment of AWS bill for the Friends of St Helena (FOSH) Don't know why and can't find any help on these pages as to how to pay the bill. A payment was made in September but not in October. We have made no changes to our payment method which both the bank account and Visa card are still valid. Our My email address is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and my mobile number is XXXXXXXXXXX. Grateful for a call to help me as I can't understand your web pages. Please respond by email as I may not be able to navigate back to this screen again.

I have contacted our bank and they tell me that you, Amazon, have stopped the payment by removing the SDD method of paying. Also when I go into the billing it tells me that we do not owe anything presumably because you stopped the method of us making the payment. I am totally confused by all this.

Wednesday I am still awaiting a response from you having edited out the unwanted information and added additional information following contact with our bank,

*Edit: Removed email address and phone number. - Kita B.

asked 7 months ago490 views
1 Answer

Hello this is not a support site for account specific issues like this. Please remove your account number and other personal identifiable information. This can and will be scraped by bots that will engage on root door knocking on your account which may compromise it's integrity. Please log into your account or have an individual that is designated as your AWS admin open a support case to billing.

profile pictureAWS
answered 7 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 7 months ago

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