How to configure EventBridge to run a powershell document on target machines when ever a CloudWatch alarm is triggered.


When I receive an Amazon CloudWatch alarm notification for memory high, high cpu and high disk utilization, I want to run a powershell document that will capture the processes or files using the most resources and email that information or dump in an s3 bucket for review. I will like to leverage EventBridge for this solution.

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hello ,

You need to use SSM Automation document as target of your EventBridge event.

answered 9 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 9 months ago

Thanks Nabil. Additionally, worth mentioning that all CloudWatch alarms are set in one account and the machines are in a different AWS account. I am certain that I can configure a cross region/account event bridge, but not so sure how I can feed the alarm status into event bus in account A, then pass that on to event bus in account B to then execute the Powershell document. So what would be your opinion of a high level design in this case?

answered 9 months ago

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