I have formed a CF Template to Automate Windows EC2 servers Patching but unfortunately Patching was failed with the error as given in description. Attached Screen capture as well. Kindly suggest


Maintenance Window error i followed the exact steps given in the link https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/mt/scheduling-centralized-multi-account-multi-region-patching-aws-systems-manager-automation/ FYI the servers lie within the same account(Not Cross Account).

asked 6 months ago182 views
1 Answer

What is the max-errors defined?

Ref : https://medium.com/globant/patching-of-windows-and-linux-ec2-instances-using-aws-ssm-b409784a5bd7

max-concurrency allows you to specify how many of your Amazon EC2 instances Systems Manager should patch at the same time. max-errors determines when Systems Manager should abort the task. For patching, this number should not be too low, because you do not want your entire patch task to stop on all instances if one instance fails. You can set this, for example, to 20%.

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answered 6 months ago
  • My requirement is more than one for testing i kept it as one with this Template

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