Amplify Gen 2 OAuthNotConfigureExeption


I have been trying to follow the Amplify gen 2 getting started guide though have come across this exception after following the guide. I am trying to call the function siginInWithRedirect({provider: "google"}) though it throws the error "OAuthNotConfigureException: oauth param not configured.". If I could get any help on this it would be greatly appreciated!

Here is my auth/resource.ts file

import {defineAuth, secret} from '@aws-amplify/backend';

 * Define and configure your auth resource
 * When used alongside data, it is automatically configured as an auth provider for data
 * @see
export const auth = defineAuth({
  loginWith: {
    email: {
      verificationEmailStyle: "CODE",
      verificationEmailBody: (code: string) =>
          `Welcome! Your verification code is ${code}.`,
      verificationEmailSubject: 'Welcome! Verify your email!'
    externalProviders: {
      google: {
        clientId: secret("GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID"),
        clientSecret: secret("GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET"),
        scopes: ["email"]
      callbackUrls: ['http://localhost:3000'],
      logoutUrls: ['http://localhost:3000'],

    // add social providers
    // externalProviders: {
     * first, create your secrets using `amplify sandbox secret`
     * then, import `secret` from `@aws-amplify/backend`
     * @see
    // loginWithAmazon: {
    //   clientId: secret('LOGINWITHAMAZON_CLIENT_ID'),
    //   clientSecret: secret('LOGINWITHAMAZON_CLIENT_SECRET'),
    // }
    // configure callback and logout URLs
    // callbackUrls: ['http://localhost:3000'],
    // logoutUrls: ['http://localhost:3000'],
    // },
   * enable multifactor authentication
   * @see
  // multifactor: {
  //   mode: 'OPTIONAL',
  //   sms: {
  //     smsMessage: (code) => `Your verification code is ${code}`,
  //   },
  // },
  userAttributes: {
    /** request additional attributes for your app's users */
    // profilePicture: {
    //   mutable: true,
    //   required: false,
    // },
    givenName: {
      mutable: true,
      required: true
    familyName: {
      mutable: true,
      required: true
    phoneNumber: {
      mutable: true,
      required: true

-SWYM Staff

asked 5 months ago152 views
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