RDS and SSL/TLS Certificates


I'd received an email from the support center, sayng that they are gonna change the SSL/TLC Certificates when connecting to RDS...
Ok, but...
If im just connecting to my RDS whitout it (i knoooooow i should, but not for the moment because of developer time) should i do something with my connection?

Is gonna be mandatory to use it like that??

Im just using: new mysqli($host, $username, $password) on my php code...

So... i would aprecciate your help!


asked 5 years ago905 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer


If your application makes use of SSL to connect to an RDS instance, only then will you be required to update your certificates on both the client and the RDS instance before the certificates expire.

It is not mandatory as the decision to make use of SSL is entirely up to you.

Since you are not using it, you are not required to update your certificates.

In future if you choose to make use of SSL in your application, you will need to update your instance to make use of the new certificate.

Hope this helps!



answered 5 years ago

Thank you so much!

Your answer was very clear to me!!

Best regards!

answered 5 years ago

Turn on enhanced monitoring

answered 5 years ago

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