Amazon Connect Service quota


For Amazon connect instance, what is default quota for concurrent voice calls at a time per instance, and what is maximum limit which can be increased

asked 3 months ago172 views
3 Answers
answered 3 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 3 months ago

The above is true and what's documented, but I've seen multiple times that for some reason the quota says 10, but you can't get more then 2 calls in. What I've started doing when creating a new instance is proactively sending a quota request for phone numbers, concurrent calls, etc. That way AWS confirms for you that you're all set.


profile picture
answered 3 months ago

The default is 10 concurrent calls. We don't document a limit. We're yet to see a customer go beyond a number we can support. As long as you have data to support your expected usage, you can submit a request.

profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago

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