EC2 status check fail and connected fail


I can't connect to my ec2 instance by ssh, and I notice its health check failed yesterday. At the same time, monitor can't get any data from instance. I try to get some info from "Actions -> Monitor and troubleshoot -> Get system log " but there is no latest log. I try to restart my instance, error still exist and I still can't connect to my instance by ssh. Plesae tell me what else could I do to fix my instance.

asked a year ago313 views
1 Answer

Hello @rePost-User-1957268

This issue occurs due to operating system-level errors such as the following: Failure to boot the operating system Failure to mount the volumes correctly Exhausted CPU and memory Kernel panic Network failed to come up

Refer to the below resolution link: if the instance status check or system status check failed by viewing the instance

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answered a year ago

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