Does Opensearch Serverless support delete-by-query?


When using an OpenSearch Serverless collection, all my POSTs to /my_index/_delete_by_query fail with a 404. These same operations work correctly using a non-serverless OpenSearch domain.

Is delete_by_query supported in serverless? I couldn’t find any docs on this.

asked 8 months ago1044 views
2 Answers

For Opensearch Serverless, a collection is a logical grouping of one or more indexes that represent an analytics workload. Perhaps the action that you are trying to do can be found under the section Deleting Collections: Do note that deleting a collection deletes all data and indexes in the collection. You can't recover collections after you delete them.

Hope it helps!

answered 8 months ago

The supported operations are listed here

There is no delete by query so I guess unfortunately no

answered 7 months ago

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