AWS Bedrock - Claude Model invocations are raising Exception


Claude Model invocations are raising the following exception:

Aws::BedrockRuntime::Errors::ModelErrorException: The system encountered an unexpected error during processing. Try your request again.

This error only started today, and appears to be inconsistently being raised, regardless of input/input length.

  • The region is us-east-1.
  • Retry appears work sometimes, doesn't most of the time.
  • Model ID: anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0
  • This also appears to be an issue while testing knowledge bases (RAG) along with model selection (Generate Responses option selected) within the AWS Console (Bedrock)

3 回答

You can attempt to troubleshoot the issue by using the Amazon Bedrock API, construct a POST request to the endpoint https://runtime.bedrock.{region}{agentName}/runtime/retrieveAndGenerate, where {region} is your AWS region and {agentName} is the name of your Bedrock agent. The request body should follow the provided syntax, filling in the necessary fields such as knowledgeBaseId, modelArn, and text for the input prompt.

Something like this:

curl -X POST \{yourAgent}/runtime/retrieveAndGenerate \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
  -d '{
        "input": {
            "text": "What is the capital of Dominican Republic?"
        "retrieveAndGenerateConfiguration": {
            "knowledgeBaseConfiguration": {
                "generationConfiguration": {
                    "promptTemplate": {
                        "textPromptTemplate": "The answer is:"
                "knowledgeBaseId": "YOUR_KNOWLEDGE_BASE_ID",
                "modelArn": "YOUR_MODEL_ARN",
                "retrievalConfiguration": {
                    "vectorSearchConfiguration": {
                        "numberOfResults": 5
            "type": "YOUR_TYPE"
        "sessionId": "YOUR_SESSION_ID"

I haven't attempted this yet, but it could help determine whether the issue is isolated to the AWS console or if it's related to the API model anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0.

profile picture
已回答 2 个月前

This was also happening with other models, however, appears to have resolved on its own now.

已回答 2 个月前

Doesn't this happen even now?

已回答 2 个月前

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