How to reduce the number of security groups.


Good morning,

I have a question about the possibility of reducing the number of security groups that can be created in Service Quotas.

I went to Service Quotas and found the option Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). Under Quota name, VPC security groups per Region, the value is set to 2,500. Is this the number of security groups I can create?

Can I reduce this value, for example, to 300 security groups? I want to limit the number of security groups created in my AWS account. I read somewhere that this value is a default assigned by AWS and cannot be reduced.

已提问 3 个月前309 查看次数
2 回答


By default, 2500 security groups can be created.

I recommend that you contact AWS Support to reduce your quota.

To request a quota decrease, to change a quota that is not listed in Service Quotas, or to change a quota in an AWS Region where Service Quotas for AWS KMS is not available, please visit AWS Support Center and create a case.

For inquiries regarding service quotas, please open a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing".
Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge.

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已回答 3 个月前
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已审核 3 个月前
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已审核 3 个月前

Yes, you can reduce the number of security groups that can be created in a region through Service Quotas. The default limit is 2,500 security groups per region, but this can be adjusted lower based on your needs.

To modify the quota:

  • Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Service Quotas console (link) .
  • Choose the service "VPC" and then select the quota "VPC security groups per Region".
  • Enter the new quota value - in your case 300 security groups.
  • Click Request quota increase. AWS will review the request and notify you by email regarding approval or rejection.

It's a good practice to limit the number of security groups to what is required. This helps maintain a secure and organized AWS environment.

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已回答 3 个月前
  • The method you presented is for increasing quotas. You cannot reduce your quota that way. When you try to run it, it will look like the image below. a

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