Building react web application on Lambda


Can I build a react web app on AWS Lambda? What should I configure so that I can host the web and see it on the web browser?

  • Can you elaborate a bit on what this react web app is? Is it rendered on the client side or does it need server side rendering? Can it be hosted in S3 instead of Lambda?

已提问 2 年前1297 查看次数
1 回答

Trying to run an entire React web app on Lambda will make for complex code and will likely get out of hand quickly unless it's very basic. You'd also have to consider other aspects like cold starts and concurrency limits and how this affects performance.

A more common and much more easier way is to host your frontend files on S3, and your backend/server-side rendering components on Lambda. Check out this blog post for a detailed example.

已回答 2 年前

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