Unable to show amazon connect chat scripts in salesforce


I have setup a complete integration of Amazon connect and salesforce using AC CTI adaptor. We are able to see the call recordings related to contact/Account/Lead/Anonymous in their task page's Related lists, but I am concern about how the web chat transcripts will be visible On the Task page. Please suggest one more concern that can we take email/mobile number from customer in chat so that when customer wants to chat to an agent his contact detail page will popup on agents screen and then the chat will tag with contact at the end.

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you can follow these steps:

Create custom fields for chat transcripts: In Salesforce, create custom fields on the Task object to store the chat transcripts and any additional information like email or mobile number that you want to capture from the chat. Make sure to add these fields to the Task page layout.

Modify Amazon Connect contact flows: In your Amazon Connect instance, update your chat contact flows to collect the required customer information, such as email and mobile number. You can use the 'Store customer input' block to capture this information and then use the 'Set contact attributes' block to save it as contact attributes.

Update Amazon Connect CTI adapter: In the Amazon Connect CTI Adapter for Salesforce, update the configuration to include the custom fields you created in step 1. Map the custom fields to the corresponding Amazon Connect contact attributes that you set in step 2. You can follow the instructions in the Amazon Connect CTI Adapter documentation to configure the custom mappings: https://amazon-connect.github.io/amazon-connect-salesforce-cti/

Update contact search settings: To automatically search for and display a contact based on the provided email or mobile number, you'll need to update the Contact Search settings in the Amazon Connect CTI Adapter for Salesforce. In the adapter settings, under 'Contact Search', select 'Enable contact search'. You can then add the fields (email, mobile number) you want to use for searching. This will trigger a search for the matching contact and display the contact detail page to the agent when a chat comes in.

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