Best option to transfer a file from a windows server to s3 on a schedule


Best option to transfer a file from a windows server to s3 on a daily basis. The files size are in MB, need to select the files available in the last 24hours and upload to S3.

Is AWS Transfer for SFTP a good option? Cyberduck or duck cli?

Is there any third party tool that does this? To scan the files available on a server in last 24 hours and upload to S3?

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已提問 7 個月前檢視次數 1032 次
1 個回答

Have you thought about running a powershell script via windows task scheduler to scan for new files in the last 24 hours and to issue a aws s3 cp command to an S3 bucket?

Ensure the EC2 has appropiate policy to allow access to the S3 bucket.

Its simple but effective

Script I just wrote to monitor folders and copy files created within 1 day. If need be you can change CreationTime to another file variable such as written time or modified time.

$folderstomonitor = @("C:\users\myuser\Downloads","c:\temp")
$bucketname = "s3://mybucketbucket/"

foreach ($folder in $folderstomonitor) {
	$filetocopy = Get-ChildItem -Path $folder -Recurse -File | Where-Object {$_.CreationTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)} | % { $_.FullName }
        cmd.exe /c "aws s3 cp $filetocopy $bucketname"
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已回答 7 個月前

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