Accessing S3 bucket with presigned URL first returns "Access Denied", after about 15 seconds the access works


I'm using the following code (excerpt) in my backend to create a presigned URL to an mp3 file within an AWS S3 bucket:

const s3Client = new S3Client({
    credentials: {
        accessKeyId: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
        secretAccessKey: "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"

const getObjectCommand = new GetObjectCommand({
	Bucket: "my-bucket-name",
	Key: "file-to-be-used"

// Generate a signed URL for the GET request
const url = await getSignedUrl(s3Client, getObjectCommand, { expiresIn: 300 }).then(data => {
	do some stuff and return the url


Calling this code in Postman works as expected and the presigned URL returned from my backend works immediately after getting the response in Postman (e.g. by just clicking on it).


In my browser, however, I get 403 - Access forbidden errors when using the URL, e.g. for either setting it as the source for an HTMLAudioElement or getting it via a fetch request.

Confusing behaviour (in the browser)

When I wait for about 15 seconds before using/accessing the returned URL, then it works as expected (just clicking on it opens in the browser, setting it as source for the HTMLAudioElement also works).

Screen Recording

The screen recording from the browser shows how the request returns a presigned URL. It also shows the 403 errors (one when trying to set the URL as source for an HTMLAudioElement, the second when trying to fetch the presigned URL from S3).

You can also see that clicking on the URL at first leads to 403 errors (in the new browser tab that opens) twice. When clicking on the same URL for the third time it works (also works when just waiting for about 15 seconds as described above).

As I can't embed animated GIFs, here is the corresponding link.

  • I do not get any CORS related errors (and I've set up CORS with AllowedHeaders and AllowedOrigins set to * each)
  • In Postman the returned URL works immediately
  • The URL I try to access is exactly the same (as I'm using my own backend) for Postman and within the browser

Any ideas what might be wrong?


I've also tried with another bucket in the standard region (us-east-1), same results:

Screen recording #2 (link)

The request and headers in Postman

As it was sent by Postman and again for better readability

Additionally, Postman shows the following info under Request headers in the Console log:

User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.31.1
Accept: */*
Postman-Token: 4364aac9-1334-4434-b9a9-0b792dbde7b5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive

The request headers in the browser

As it was sent by the browser and again for better readability
  • I've just tested the same setup and code on a different system, the behaviour is exactly the same though.

  • Looking at the Cloudtrail logs doesn't show any differences in the two requests (Postman/browser) except the userAgent string, x-amz-id-2 and requestID (as documented) and the eventID and then the error message itself (in the failing request).

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 678 次
1 個回答

The solution is very easy and also obvious when thinking about it. I didn't realise that the problem was that I wrote the file to the S3 bucket using PollyClient and StartSpeechSynthesisTaskCommand (just was focused on the 403 - Access Denied errors).

When the command returns, the task is not completed and usually in the status scheduled, so the file isn't there yet, even though the (future) file name is already returned in the response.

Immediately generating a presigned URL based on that filename always works as this doesn't perform any calls to AWS, the URL is generated locally.

Trying to access the URL while the task is still not completed, however, results in 403 - Access Denied errors. Unfortunately this is somewhat misleading and led me to investigate in different directions before realising my mistake.

As soon as the task completes (and that usually takes about 15 seconds in my experience) the presigned URL works as expected.

已回答 1 年前

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