Trying to Migrate from MongoDB Atlas to DocumentDB



I am currently trying to migrate from a MongoDB Atlas cluster to Document DB. I am having issues with a DMS Source Endpoint connection. I am getting an error regarding connecting to the cluster using the Test Connection:

Test Endpoint failed: Application-Status: 1020912, Application-Message: Failed to create new client connection Failed to connect to database., Application-Detailed-Message: Error verifying connection: 'No suitable servers found (serverSelectionTryOnce set): [Server closed connection. calling ismaster on '']'

When I try to use mongosh or Mongo Compass I am able to connect with no issues.

I changed some network settings in the Network Access section of Atlas to allow connections from everywhere. But still, it won't connect.

Has anyone else had a successful migration from MongoDB Atlas to DocumentDB?

The MongoDB version I'm using is 5.0.14 (API Version 1) DocumentDB is using Elastic Cluster setup.


  • Hey so I am currently migrating my data from MongoDB to DocumentDB and want to use further use Documentdb as my permanent database. Now I first dumped the files and restored it on my documentDB cluster. I can also access the Documentdb cluster from mongoshell and I can see my database in Documentdb. Now my issue is that I am not able to use the database when I add the URI to my React application. It just doesn't work I tried several ways, but it still didn't work. What can be the issue? I even followed the documentation.

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 1253 次
3 個答案

Damn it...I figured it out.

MongoDB Atlas requires TLS connection. I needed to set SSL Mode to require in order for the connection to succeed

已回答 1 年前
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已審閱 24 天前

Hello @rePost-User-8855675

Thanks for posting in re:Post.

Verify that configured your security group and endpoint correctly and follow the steps in the below link to check it has been configured correctly.

Try using offline method and follow the below steps.

[Migrate from MongoDB to Amazon DocumentDB using the offline method]

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已回答 1 年前
  • Thank you for assisting me learn2skills

    I read that document already and everything works except for the Source port, which is the MongoDB Atlas.

    Also, this is a live Production DomgoDB and I cannot turn off the DB, which is why I figured using the DMS would be much better since its a live migration.


Hi @Hello @rePost-User-8855675,

I see you figured out the reason for the connection issue. (set SSL Mode to require)

Please feel free to add additional questions here if you'd like and I'll be happy to look internally as well to assist.

已回答 1 年前

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