Breaking changes to Amplify Console


it seems like the switch has been flipped to Gen 2 GUI of the AWS Amplify Console, which is much prettier but now is broken. Besides missing all the features i just had a few hours ago, i don't see the Amplify Studio option any more, but it's actually broken because the new GUI doesn't properly handle the login request from the amplify CLI. instead of authenticating as it has for countless times, i get a login prompt that even when i login with my credentials, not login key is ever produced or presented. usually with these options there's an option to revert, but i don't see it. and it's stopped development for me.

已提問 1 個月前檢視次數 240 次
2 個答案

I understand your frustration with the recent changes to the AWS Amplify Console and the issues you're facing with the new Gen 2 GUI. It's concerning to hear that the migration to the new interface has broken some of the key features you were relying on, such as the Amplify Studio option and the integration with the Amplify CLI. [1]

Based on the information you've provided, it seems like the new Gen 2 GUI is not yet fully stable and may be missing some critical functionality that was available in the previous version. The inability to authenticate through the Amplify CLI and the lack of a revert option are particularly problematic.

Here are a few suggestions that may help you navigate this situation:

Reach out to AWS Support: Since this appears to be an issue with the AWS Amplify service, I would recommend contacting AWS Support as soon as possible. They should be able to provide more information about the current state of the Gen 2 GUI, any known issues, and potential workarounds or rollback options.

Check the Amplify documentation: The Amplify documentation may have updates or guidance on the transition to the Gen 2 GUI. You can try searching the documentation for any information on the known issues or any temporary solutions that may be available. [2]

Consider reverting to the previous version: If possible, see if you can revert to the previous version of the Amplify Console. This may involve some manual steps, but it could help you regain access to the features and functionality you were relying on.

Explore alternative solutions: While the Amplify Console is a convenient tool, you may need to consider alternative solutions or approaches to your development workflow if the Gen 2 GUI continues to be problematic. This could involve using the AWS CDK directly or exploring other cloud development platforms.

I understand how frustrating this situation must be, especially when you're trying to maintain a production environment. Please don't hesitate to reach out to AWS Support for further assistance. They should be able to provide more guidance and support to help you resolve this issue.

Sources [1] Gen 2 for Gen 1 customers - AWS Amplify Gen 2 Documentation [2] FAQ - AWS Amplify Gen 2 Documentation

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已回答 1 個月前

We are also experiencing a huge impact on this new UI update. Basically, all of our apps are gone...

Also posted here:

已回答 1 個月前

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