How do I migrate a VM from VMWare ESXi to Lightsail?


What would be the best way to migrate a VM that is currently on VMWare ESXi to a VM on Lightsail?

I looked at the AWS Application Migration Service, but I don't think it has an option for a Lightsail migration, only EC2, am I correct?

The VM in question is a Gitlab CE server (Ubuntu 20.04), and today runs on a local VMWare ESXi 6.5 server. I know I could create a new instance of a Gitlab server in Lightsail and do a backup/restore process, but that's a complex procedure (in my opinion, looking at the Gitlab documentation).

I think about using Lightsail instead of EC2, due to my lack of knowledge with EC2 and because it is easier to estimate costs. And I also know that in the future with the VM being in Ligthsail, it's easy to switch to EC2.

I wonder if there is a simpler way to do this?

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 584 次
3 個答案

You are correct that you cannot use AWS Application Migration Service (MGN) with only supports EC2. With Lightsail you have to select one of the images listed here. Ubuntu 20 is an option but you would need to manually configure Gitlab or use a launch script, you obviously would also need to restore your existing data...

If you chose to use EC2 you could migrate your onprem VM using MGN or use a preconfigured Gitlab AMI and restore your data (this would be what I would do). The costs should be just as easy to estimate once you know the instance type you need.

已回答 1 年前

If you choose to migrate to EC2, there is also the option to use AWS Backup, where it will backup your VM and restore as EC2.

profile pictureAWS
已回答 1 年前

Its that way because Lightsail instances aren't freely configurable the way EC2 instances are. See this Knowledge Center article for a breakdown on the differences.

MGN, AWS Backup, VM Import/Export all work in the same basic way - they convert a VMware VM that is backed by a VMDK file to an AMI image that can be booted as an EC2 instance. You can't provide your own custom AMI with Lightsail, you have to run one of the prebuilt bundles. Constraints like that are one of the ways AWS is able to offer lower pricing for Lightsail vs. EC2 instances.

You should also consider taking this opportunity to deploy Gitlab as a container instead of a full server. That will make future portability simpler.

profile pictureAWS
已回答 1 年前

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