Wrong AMI for Windows worker


When building a studio and selecting Windows for a fleet is proposing the wrong AMI per default:
ami-0fe5787044cb4933e corresponding to NimbleStudioLinuxWorkerImage

I think it's a bug, the script should select this one: ami-02904033865f54bde

gefragt vor 3 Jahren186 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


Thank you for pointing this out. I will log a but on this. You can go back into StudioBuilder and update the value. We store a .yaml file that has all the information stored it when you execute "BUILD MY STUDUIO" from the StudioBuilder command line. You should be able to modify the value (running StudioBuilder again) and re-build your studio to have the CDK process update the render AMI.


beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

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