QuickSight Athena Dataset Issue


Hi Team, I created an Athena table and used a quicksight dataset to connect to it. However, the quicksight page informed me that "The column(s) in this query are not found. Verify the column(s) specified in the dataset or in the custom SQL.". I checked the columns name from Athena and all looked good. What are the possible causes? Attached screenshot for your reference. Quicksight dataset error Athena table info

Below screenshots are from Athena 'recent queries', If I run it manually, it worked. Enter image description here Enter image description here

Successfully with manually running: Enter image description here

gefragt vor einem Jahr300 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

The "product_name" column is in Table. However, you need to check the Custom SQL Query while you are creating a dataset for analyses. From the error we can understand that there might be a issue in custom sql. If possible can you please share the Custom SQL here? OR You can check it by your end. The error says the query runs agains default database instead of SQL.

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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