LimitExceededException when creating a Global Accelerator on brand new account


I just created a new AWS account under our existing organization and am attempting to deploy our infrastructure to it (using Pulumi). It includes a Global Accelerator which is unable to be provisioned and throws the following exception:

LimitExceededException: Limit Exceeded for the number of Accelerators that can be created for account XXXXXXXXX

The account is empty and has 0 accelerators associated with it. I also tried to create one from the AWS web UI and experienced the same result.

3 Antworten

It's worth checking your account's service quotas ( to see if any of those are set to 0, and request an increase if necessary.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

I also encountered the same problem, but I checked the quota and everything was fine.

beantwortet vor 6 Monaten
  • Is there any better solution?


I also got the same problem when creating new GA on brand new member account of Organizations. I could create GA on management account, but not on member account. I checke Service Quotas for both accounts and have no issue with Quota.

beantwortet vor 3 Monaten

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