AWS Config Gard Rule Evaluation


Hello folks

I am having a hard time understanding how AWS guard rules that fail and pass are evaluated when used with Config. I wanted to replicate an existing rule that detects public S3 buckets:

I realized that this rule applies to a cloudformation template. I wanted to apply it to a Config recorded object so i adapted the rule to:

rule isPublicAccessBlockConfigurationBlockSecure when isPublicAccessBlockConfigurationBlockPresent {
  supplementaryConfiguration.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration exists 
  supplementaryConfiguration.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration.blockPublicAcls == true
  supplementaryConfiguration.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration.blockPublicPolicy == true
  supplementaryConfiguration.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration.ignorePublicAcls == true
  supplementaryConfiguration.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration.restrictPublicBuckets == true 

When testing this locally (cfn-guard) i got a fail on an open bucket with an explanation along the lines:

Property traversed until [/supplementaryConfiguration] in data [PublicBucketAccess-test-fail.json] is not compliant with [PublicBucketAccess.guard/absentPublicAccessBlockConfigurationBlock] due to retrieval error.

I was under the assumption that if there is a retrieval error, Config marks the resource as non-compliant but it either provides no results or marks it as compliant and does not give any error. However, when i changed to:

rule isBucketToBeSecured when resourceType == "AWS::S3::Bucket" {
  ...some checks...
rule isPublicAccessBlockConfigurationBlockPresent when isBucketToBeSecured {
  supplementaryConfiguration.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration exists 

rule isPublicAccessBlockConfigurationBlockSecure when isPublicAccessBlockConfigurationBlockPresent {
  supplementaryConfiguration.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration.blockPublicAcls == true
  supplementaryConfiguration.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration.blockPublicPolicy == true
  supplementaryConfiguration.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration.ignorePublicAcls == true
  supplementaryConfiguration.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration.restrictPublicBuckets == true 

It now works. Does anyone know why Config has such a strange evaluation mechanism where a failure to retrieve a key gives no compliance results or marks the resources as good to go?

Also, is there a cleaner way to test for the existence of a key before trying to access subkeys without causing a failure. When i used:

rule taggedBucketIsSecure2 when resourceType == "AWS::S3::Bucket" {
  let publicAccessBlockConfiguration = supplementaryConfiguration.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration
  when %publicAccessBlockConfiguration exists {
    supplementaryConfiguration.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration.blockPublicAcls == true
    supplementaryConfiguration.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration.blockPublicPolicy == true
    supplementaryConfiguration.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration.ignorePublicAcls == true
    supplementaryConfiguration.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration.restrictPublicBuckets == true

I got:

Rule [PublicBucketAccess.guard/taggedBucketIsSecure2] is not applicable for template [PublicBucketAccess-test-fail.json]

I assume the problem is that since when does not evaluate to true, it skips the evaluation and instead of marking the resource as non-compliant it either fails or marks it as compliant.

Thanks in advance

gefragt vor 2 Jahren122 Aufrufe
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