Addons hourly fee of RI EC2 and RI RDS


Hi, I have purchased two RI instances, one EC2, and one RDS. After my RI plans are activated. I created related on-demand EC2 and RDS with the same tier of my RI plans. But today, in the billing. It shows two addons hourly fees like the images below. What is it mean?

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gefragt vor einem Jahr281 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Have a look at the pricing -

What you see in your billing depends on the options you chose. If it's no or partial upfront then there will be a monthly payment, or partial payment for a partial month. "For each month, the actual monthly payment will equal the actual number of hours in that month multiplied by the hourly usage rate ...".

beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • BTW especially with RDS reservations it's easy to get it wrong as so many parameters have to match. It's worth keeping an eye on the reservation usage report in Cost Explorer.

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