Route 53 domain transfer out - unable to get auth code


I go to

Unlock my 3 domains. The domains are .com domains. Then I click on the button "Get code" next to the text "Authorization code" I get the following message in a popup

"Sorry, but an unexpected error has occurred while getting your auth code. Please retry again. See system status for more information on current system status."

I have tried several days now. As far as I can see there is nothing under system status. I wasn't planing on buying a support plan to solve this one.

gefragt vor einem Jahr438 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Did you disable the "Transfer lock" and saved it? See the "Domain name status code" whether you have the permission of transferring the domain.

I hope this information may assist you, please inform your update.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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