Aws Invalidated Exam


Hello Team,

Greetings of the day!

I want to inform you that I took the AWS exam via Pearson Vue, and the student proctor claimed that I looked off-screen, leading to the revocation of my exam without any explanation from my side. However, the truth is I haven't done that.

I am requesting you to please look into this issue and provide a resolution. It feels unfair to me that without any warning or message, the proctor simply revoked my exam. I am aware of Pearson Vue's policy, but the proctor didn't inform me of any policy violation. I did not use any gadgets during the exam, and due to some misunderstanding, my exam was revoked.

I kindly request a refund because I am not financially strong enough to book the exam repeatedly. It's disheartening as I went through all my savings and struggled to clear this exam for a year.

The only proof I have is the completion of my AWS CCP recertification in December through Cloud Quest, earning a badge from AWS. I also prepared through Udemy courses and practice exams for AWS SAA. The dashboard hours show my preparation, and I had no intention of cheating.

I had a charger issue with my laptop, so I showed the charger on my table. The proctor agreed to keep the charger on my table. If she had asked me to remove it, I would have done so promptly.

I feel upset because I paid for the exam from all my savings and really struggled to clear it. I could have scheduled it at a Vue Center, but due to Covid situations in my area, I scheduled it at home.

For the past five days, I have been trying to contact support teams without success.

My sincere apologies if any mistakes were made without my notice, but please reconsider my request and verify the recording. I never looked off-screen.

Hoping for a resolution from the team.

Thanks & regards, Sudeep

preguntada hace 5 meses375 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Please contact AWS Training & Certification at:, this is not a matter that can be addressed on re:Post.

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