How to enable HttpEndpoint in Aurora Serverless v2


I am getting below error while connecting Aurora serverless v2 from lambda function. I tried modifying Aurora PG but not getting option to enable HttpEndpoint as suggested in the doc. Somewhere it's mentioned that HttpEndpoint is automatically enabled in Aurora serverless v2 PG. But then why this error is coming?

Error HttpEndpoint is not enabled for cluster database-aurora-serverless-v2. Please refer to (Service: RdsData, Status Code: 400, Request ID: 94d4dc81-70c6-4fc1-84e7-4f95c6ced967)

asked a year ago2605 views
2 Answers

Unfortunately, you can't use the Data API with Aurora Serverless v2 as mentioned in this documentation page: HttpEndpoint is not enabled for cluster <cluster_ID>

As you can read in this other answer, AWS support searched internally, and there's a feature request on file, but it still needs to be released. Please get in touch with your AWS Account team so they can keep track of the feature request and register your interest.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Ivan, I came to the same conclusion as you.


Hi, yes, HttpEndpoint is automatically enabled in Aurora serverless v2. So, you might have a connectivity issue to it.

You should follow guidance of section "Verify your connection to the Aurora endpoint" in by telneting it from you laptop. If you can't connect, you te secgroup protecting the http endpoint is probably the blocker (allowed source addresses or tcp port)



You will have to adapt it for allowing first your laptop then your lambdas by allowing the addresses of the vpc to which they are attached. When working on your laptop and lambdas, you can remove the secgroup rules corresponding to the laptop.

To more easily debug the problem from the vpc of your lambdas, you may want to start an EC2 on this vpc and connect to it via ssh to be able to use telnet, etc. to debug efficiently.

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answered a year ago
  • Hi Didier, can you please post the link to the documentation where it says that the Data API is available in Aurora Serverless v2? Is there any public information, or you have some privileged information looking at internal AWS systems? I tested a few weeks ago, and this was indeed not available in v2, just in v1.

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