Can't download to my EC2 windows instance through Internet Explorer



Just launched a new EC2 windows instance and IE doesn't let me download program (I want to install on it) I tried to change security setting in IE but nothing ! I also tried to loosing up system security the time I do it (took of firewall and other stuff). Even rebooting Windows and after the instance (!? don't know if was necessary).

The only connection I'm allowed to is with RDP otherwise I would have done with scp/ssh.

Anyone could help me on how to change IE behavior or to find another way to download (I'm not a windows expert though

asked 3 years ago967 views
2 Answers
answered 3 years ago

Every thing is in this page :)

but I don't understand what this link is about answering my question !

Edited by: iscalex on Oct 19, 2021 8:52 AM

answered 3 years ago

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