AWS Organization Billing


We have created two Organizational Units and multiple accounts under each OU. Is it possible to keep the billing separate for each of the OUs - so OU1 gets its own consolidated billing and OU 2 gets its own. The two OUs - although in the same company - have separate finance and accounts teams.

asked 2 years ago2813 views
2 Answers

You will only get one invoice from AWS per Organization.

However there are multiple ways to generate reports and break down cost and usage data.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

It's possible to have several Tax Invoices within one AWS Organization. Requirements: (1) same currency for all invoices; (2) every account should follow the same payment method. E.g. you can do wired transfer from several legal entities to cover several Tax invoices within the same AWS organization. But you cannot combine credit card and wired/SEPA transfer.

Please use Tax Settings in your Management Account > Billing to indicate information about legal entities for each Linked Account

answered 7 months ago

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