Geo restriction in AWS CloudFront


Not able to restrict the user by Geo restricting them located in different locations from accessing the data thru Amazon CloudFront distribution for my Amazon S3 origin.

Tried blacklisting the countries in the created CloudFront distribution settings but not able to test it successfully. Even tried AWS WAF ACL but no success.

Please advise how I can test the Geo restriction successfully.

Thanks and regards,
Ankit Sharma
New learner

asked 4 years ago431 views
1 Answer

There are a number of GeoLocation testing sites out there. GeoPeeker is one of them and was used here:

Not sure if CloudFront GeoRestriction is based on the origin IP though. So unless they are looking at the X-Forwarded-For header it's essentially useless if user is connecting via a proxy or load balancer.

answered 4 years ago

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