AWS CloudFront and Geo restriction


I understand CloudFront uses maxmind, according to maxmind my company subnet is in the USA however my customers are still getting geolocation errors while streaming i.e "Your Device is connected to the internet using a VPN or Proxy Service" this is also happening to consumers accessing websites behind CloudFront "The Amazon CloudFront distribution is configured to block access from your country". It would appear CloudFront is not showing the correct geolocation information, how can I update this?

Thank you,

asked a year ago303 views
1 Answer

Hi, by default, CloudFront does not activate geoblocking as per doc:

When a user requests your content, CloudFront typically serves the requested content
 regardless of where the user is located. If you need to prevent users in specific countries 
from accessing your content, you can use the CloudFront geographic restrictions feature

So, do you have geo-blocking activated on your CloudFront distribution ? If yes, what do you block / allow ?



profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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