How can I free Spice capacity?


Hello, I just startet using AWS Quicksight and ran into a problem when trying to upload new datasets using SPICE. According to the site on Manage Quicksight/ SPICE capacity my SPICE usage is with 297 GB way over my capacity limit of 31 GB. The Problem is that I already deleted all Datasets in Quicksight to get more SPICE capacity and this led to a gain of 14 MB of free capacity, but I am now wondering how should I free the remaining capacity of 297 GB? I can not see an option to release capacity in the QuickSight console. Enter image description here

asked a year ago1322 views
1 Answer

Let's have a look at the datasets and ingestions first. You can check the amount of SPICE capacity used by a particular dataset, as well as the users accessing them (ARNs) by running the list-ingestions CLI command [1] listed along with the describe-data-set [2] command:

$ aws quicksight describe-data-set --aws-account-id <AccountID> --data-set-id '<value>'
Please replace the '<value>' with the dataset-id of each dataset and check the value of 'ConsumedSpiceCapacityInBytes' in the output of the CLI command. 

To get the datasets IDs, you can list of all DataSets in QuickSight account, using list-data-sets CLI [3]

$ aws quicksight list-data-sets --aws-account-id 152558349946

If you prefer to use the Python SDK, sample code is below to retrieve data:

To list the datasets:

response = client.list_data_sets(

To list the SPICE ingestions:

response = client.list_ingestions(  
               DataSetId = data_set_id,

[1] list-ingestions:

[2] describe-data-set:

[3] list-data-set:

Other References:

You can also see the Aggregate SPICE metrics -

And here is the link on how to view SPICE capacity and usage in an AWS Region -

Finally, for QuickSight related questions, we have launched a fully dedicated community; in case you want to check there to see if there are further answer to your questions:

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
profile picture
reviewed a year ago
  • Thanks a lot I will try that!

  • I think Jonathan is right.
    QuickSight datasets cannot see datasets owned by others.
    So you have to delete it with confirmation using API.

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