Cannot release SPICE Capacity on Quicksight



Our total SPICE Capacity is only 20GB but the SPICE Usage is now too large 429.59GB. It only allows me to release 0.24GB of unused purchased capacity. For more information, the SPICE for one dataset is only 181MB and it is refreshed daily, so the 429.59GB is sum of refreshing times? How can I release all the SPICE Capacity like the time I created the dataset? Does the analyses still work after release all?


asked 6 months ago270 views
2 Answers

You can check the size of the dataset and the size of the ingestion's using the below API's ->DescribeDataSet ->"ConsumedSpiceCapacityInBytes" response value ->List Ingestions -> "IngestionSizeInBytes" response value

You can refer this existing repost as well->

For your questions,

"How can I release all the SPICE Capacity like the time I created the dataset" -> You will only be able to release unused SPICE capacity.

"Do the analyses still work after release all?" -> I am not completely sure of the ask, however considering the scenario, in case you mean if you release the capacity by deleting the dataset, it will make any analysis based on top of it unusable.

answered 6 months ago


In general, Amazon Quicksight return an error if any Dataset occupies size greater than the SPICE Capacity available. The behavior being observed at your end is contradicting expected behavior and need Quicksight team to investigate. Kindly, please raise a case to AWS Support team so that an engineer can investigate and provide you possible mitigation measures.

Thank you !!

answered 6 months ago

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