Chime isssue for provisioning no's


I am facing issues while provisioning the international no's. How can I do this?

asked a year ago245 views
1 Answer


I understand that you are facing issues while provisioning the international phone numbers.

I want to inform you that International phone number provisioning is unfortunately only Supported with the SIP Media Application Dial-In feature and Amazon Chime only supports the listed countries below:-

Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Nigeria,Puerto Rico, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

Please refer the below document.

[+] Country requirements for phone numbers -

Further, Please follow the steps as mentioned in the document[1] by providing the required details for Requesting international phone numbers. Also, for your reference I am sharing the steps mentioned in document[1].

Action Plan:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Open the Amazon Chime console[2] and choose Support, then Submit request.

    • If you are an AWS Support customer, open the AWS Support Center page, sign in if necessary, and choose Create case, then Technical support. For Service, choose Chime.

  2. For Category, choose Other.

  3. For Subject, enter Provisioning international numbers.

  4. For Issue or Description, enter the following:

    • Individual or Business
    • Name (Individual Name or Business Name)
    • Type of number (Local or Toll-Free)
    • Country
    • Quantity of phone numbers
  5. Do one of the following:

    • If you submit a support request from the Amazon Chime console, for Email, enter the email address associated with your Amazon Chime administrator account, then choose Submit request.

    • If you create a case in the the AWS Support Center[3], for Attachments, select Choose files and attach the required documents. For Contact options, select a contact method. Optionally, for Additional contacts, enter email addresses of people to be notified of case status updates.

Note: AWS Support responds to your support request to let you know whether the phone numbers can be provisioned. Once the numbers are provisioned, you can view the numbers in the Amazon Chime console under Calling, Phone number management, Inventory.

  1. Use SIP rules to assign the phone numbers to the appropriate SIP media application.


[1] Requesting international phone numbers -



answered a year ago

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