Using Simba JDBC Driver for Athena in ReadyAPI (SoapUI)


I try to add the Simba JDBC Driver to Ready API but I face an issue during installation with following msg..

Failed to load drivers from [C:\xxxx\AthenaJDBC42-]; java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Malformed \uxxxx encoding.

Does anybody could ever add this Driver to ReadyAPI? Is there any compatibility issues?

asked a year ago360 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer


Thank you for your response and extended patience with us.

I reproduce this issue in my testing environment with following steps:

  • Downloaded Athena JDBC Driver "AthenaJDBC42- " from this document.
  • Installed ReadyAPI Application and try adding driver directly from the Download folder.
  • It failed with same error message java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Malformed \uxxxx encoding.

Analysing the above issue, it seem this issue occurs when you try to load the JDBC driver from the local Download folder. From my testing, I found that ReadyAPI uses the jar files from the bin/ext directory of your ReadyAPI installation. So, it is required to place jar file inside the bin/ext.

To mitigate this issue, I followed this document which has mentioned following steps:

1. Download and install the needed JDBC driver package.
2. Put the driver files in the bin/ext directory of your ReadyAPI installation.
3. Restart ReadyAPI to load the driver.
4. In ReadyAPI, go to  Preferences > JDBC Drivers and add the new connection template.

Note: My test environment was macos. So, I added Athena jar file in following location: /Applications/ . This might be different depending on your operating system.

Once the above steps(1-3) is completed. For step 4, I used following configuration Athena JDBC Connection String Template

Driver Name: AwsAthena/com.simba.athena.jdbc.Driver
Connection String template: jdbc:awsathena://

Then, I open Database connection and specify the unique name for JDBC connection with following properties:

Database Connection Properties Connection Succeeded

Please refer to the document for more information in Amazon Simba Athena JDBC Data Connector

I hope that the above information will help to answer your query.

Please let me know if you have any queries/concerns or would like to share any other information.

Have a great day and stay safe !!

Thank you for using Amazon Athena.

answered a year ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Thank you for your instruction. I ran the same steps but in Windows 10. In corresponding dropdown box I miss the Athena-JDBC and can't choose it. It seems it's a mater of windows + ReadyAPI. Thanks



Thank you for reporting this issue.

Checking the error message "Failed to load drivers from [C:\xxxx\AthenaJDBC42-]; java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Malformed \uxxxx encoding.", it seems the issue occurred due to mismatch input(connection string) for AthenaJDBC42.

With the limited logs, I am not able to find the root cause of this issue. Checking public document , I can see you can use JDBC connection in Ready API. Could you please trying the steps from the document where driver is com.amazonaws.athena.jdbc.AthenaDriver"with JDBC string.

If the above steps did not help to resolve this issue. I would like to suggest you to create Support ticket with Athena Team from AWS console and provide following details

  1. Steps / documents that you are following to use AthenaJDBC42 driver in ReadyAPI
  2. Region where Athena query is running

Thank you for using Amazon Athena.

answered a year ago

Thank you for your Reply. Unfortunately I don't come so far, that I can use the driver. The error occurs during adding/registering the jar-file in JDBC prefrences. screen shot

answered a year ago

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