Athena API vs JDBC Driver



We are planning to use Athena in our team. We noticed there are two ways to query data using Athena (API vs JDBC). We are looking differences in terms of performance and salability. Does using JDBC driver is more performant than API since potentially Driver can cache some of the metadata and figure out security during the connection creation instead of running as part of every single query?

What is AWS recommendation?

asked 5 years ago862 views
2 Answers

We are using pyathenajdbc module due to Python. As the module name indicates, behinde the scene it is using jdbc driver provided by aws to query Athena. After compararision of pyathena (REST API based) module and pyathenajdbc (JDBC based), we found that JDBC driver based access is faster. Also, if you are using Java then JDBC based access should be fastest.
Another point, if you are using Python, then boto3 based access is even faster compared to JDBC driver, however you will have to write boilerplate code for having JDBC kind of interface.

Edited by: psl-shareinsights on May 2, 2019 5:18 AM

answered 5 years ago

Thanks for the info.

answered 5 years ago

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