Unable to log in to my ec2 after importing an exported image


I used the api to export the images from my aws machine EC2, https://repost.aws/it/knowledge-center/ec2-export-vm-using-import-export saved them to the bucket and so far so good. When I import the images back into the aws account with 1) import api and after 2) with "Launch instance", I can't access the machine, it asks me for a user and password. I set up a user with a password for ssh access but it still gives me access denied. I also tried accessing "EC2 serial console." with all the account. Surfing in web is a common problem that seems not have solution! I open 22 port, push a publicity key with serial console, nothing works

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asked 4 months ago100 views
1 Answer

As I understand, you are trying to export the EC2 instance and import it to EC2 again. This looks like an approach for non-AWS VMs move.

You can try just creating AMI (copy or share it if needed) and create a new EC2 instance from that AMI https://docs.aws.amazon.com/toolkit-for-visual-studio/latest/user-guide/tkv-create-ami-from-instance.html https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/CopyingAMIs.html

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answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

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