Redirect configuration from deleted Amplify project didn't get deleted along side the project and can no longer get deleted


While trying to set up my newly purchased domain, into my Amplify project I came across several issues. I could replace the amplify URL with mine. In fact the only thing that I was able to set up was for my URL to redirect to the default url of the amplify project. Because the project had several errors I decided to restart the whole configuration. I therefore deleted the amplify project thinking that the redirect rule would get deleted with it. Now I already set up a new amplify project and add the domain to it. however the URL still redirect to the old deleted Amplify project. I have looked at the configuration on Route 53 but could find a way to disable the redirection to the older Amplify project. Can you help?

asked 8 months ago234 views
1 Answer


I understand that you have associated a custom domain for your Amplify app and configured a redirect rule. However, upon deleting the app and configuring the custom domain for a new app, you have observed that the deleted app’s redirect url still exists.

You can refer the below Github issue where customers have observed similar behavior:


As suggested by one of the users, kindly try removing the redirect rule by navigating to App settings > Rewrites and Redirects

However, if the issue still persists we would require further details which are non-public information, like your Amplify app id and custom domain details in order to investigate the issue further. Hence, please open a support case with AWS Premium Support using the below link and kindly share your Amplify App id so that we can further investigate your app configuration and find the root cause.

[+] AWS Premium Support:

[+] Create a case:

answered 8 months ago

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