S3 integration Oracle RDS adding option to existing option group


Hi Gurus,

I currently have an Oracle RDS instance running wih DB engine version running in North Virginia with a custom option group,I read that we can integrate s3 with Oracle RDS by adding option in an option group.

Can i add the option to my existing custom option group or do i need to upgrade the instance to the latest db engine version to use it?


asked 5 years ago725 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

There is no version requirement for the new S3_INTEGRATION option. You can simply add this option to your existing group. Additional information is in the documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/oracle-s3-integration.html

answered 5 years ago
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reviewed 3 days ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

Hi Nagarajan,
I did this activity just today and I could set this option.
Here is what I did:

  1. Go to RDS service console
  2. Select the DB instance for which I want this feature added
  3. In the "Connectivity & security" tab, scrolled down to the bottom. I could see "Manage IAM Roles" section in there.
  4. selected "custom role" rds-s3-integration-role (I created this) and attached.

Hope this helps!

answered 5 years ago

Hi Team,

Based on the documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/oracle-s3-integration.html, i have started working on the Oracle RDS to S3 integration.

But looks this given option (Connectivity & security tab, in the Manage IAM roles section) is not available in AWS Console. I don't find option to add the role to the Oracle DB instance.

Even i have tried to do this via AWS CLI and got the error like

Invalid choice: 'add-role-to-db-instance', maybe you meant:

** add-role-to-db-cluster*

AWS Cli command used:

aws rds add-role-to-db-instance ^
--db-instance-identifier new-scripts-qa-db ^
--feature-name S3_INTEGRATION ^
--role-arn arn:aws:iam::<acct #>:role/rds-s3-role

Kindly help me to resolve this issue.

answered 5 years ago

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