RDS Option Group - Oracle EE TDE


Hello Community,

I am currently learning for the aws database specialty exam/certificate. In my online courses and in the aws documentation for the rds option groups it specifies that you cannot remove permanent options from an option group.


Permanent options, such as the TDE option for Oracle Advanced Security TDE, can never be removed from an option group

But In my test I was able to delete that permanent option "TDE" from the (disassociated) option group. Is that by design for unused option groups or is the documentation not specific enough?

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Thanks in advance. Heiko

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asked a year ago323 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi Heiko, Permanent options can be removed as long as there are no DB instances or snapshots associated with the option group.

You wrote that you had the option group already disassociated; in that case, removing the permanent option worked as designed. In my opinion, what doesn't come across 100% clear in the documentation (the link you've given) is that once you set such an option, it becomes permanent for the database. If you wanted to associate another option group to this database, it must have the (permanent) TDE option in it as well. As a side note, the help text of the AWS Console says so.

HTH, Uwe

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Uwe K
answered a year ago
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reviewed 3 days ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

Hi Uwe,

thanks four your answer.

Sincerely Heiko

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answered a year ago
  • You're welcome and all the best for your exam!

    BTW, I wonder whether the exam questions really reflect this particularity. But I suppose they assume a (more typical) setup where associated DBs or snapshots still exist. However, if you should encounter a discrepancy between your observations above and a related exam question, please give a feedback to the training&certification team.

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